逼迫金調入息上下限, 是喜是悲?

今天看網上報章, 看到很多提到政府建議收改強積金供款最高和最低入息上下限.

"政府建議調高強積金的供款入息水平,供款入息下限,由現時的5,000元提高至6,500元,今年11月1日起生效。同時,最高入息水平,則由 2萬元提高至 2.55萬元。調整後將有額外18萬名僱員及自僱人士,毋須供款."

報導說將會有18萬名打工仔"受惠", 毋須強制供款. 但是調高上限, 卻令51.45萬名僱員及自僱人士因而須作額外強制性供款。

經濟動力立法會議員林健鋒認為, 配合最低工資落實,檢討和優化強積金制度各項安排,供款入息下限相應調整是適當的。“最低工資實施後,僱員可獲逾五千八百元月薪,因此有必要調高供款入息下限,令一些基層員工繼續得以免除供款負擔。” 

減少18萬名供款卻相對有51萬人須作額外供款. 生果報利世民一語擊中"有甚麼比強迫金更權霸?", 這改動, 將令逼迫金大增, 而一班銀行家, 逼迫經理亦不費力地穩袋一筆額外佣金. 莫非真的是年初預算案政府未能順利派錢予逼迫金銀行而作出是次補償?

逼迫金由始已經是鬧劇,費用亦過高, 一班小市民每月將血汗錢拱手相讓予一班有錢人, 將來這筆錢根本不能靠它養老, 若果過程中發生更多的金融事故, 一如2008年的人為事件, 各國政府所謂的"全球搶略小市民救市政策", 不但血本無歸, 更加可能得到"投資可升可跌"的回應. 要是皇蟲黨主將的全民大鑊飯推行成功, 就真的是一個更大規模的"龐氏騙局" Ponzi scheme,這等於年青人供養今日的老人,以為將來自己老了,同樣有年輕人會供養自己,但基於人口老化,則今日供款的人將來定收不到應得的錢,等於陷入騙局。而這騙局根本無需要被游說, 因為是強迫性的, 即是無得揀!

精明的香港人, 是時候為自己爭取了!!


  1. 港府明撐銀行大班,「銀行存款保障」都有50萬啦,但「逼迫金」系小市民退休依據,反而沒有得到有力保障,有違「逼迫金」成立系助市民安享退休生活嘅原旨...


  2. 當日新聞報導強迫金調高下限、調低上限時,我即時意識到又係基金佬做既好事,下限個班雖然少左,但佢地收入有限,對基金界「貢獻」有限,反而係高收入個班要供多D,基金佬呢鋪真係豬籠入水,我做個間公司兩位老闆咁就無端端畀基金佬刮一筆。我認為要數香港惡法,強迫金條例可以居首,如果有人發起要求取消強迫金既抗議,我一定會去!

  3. Hey 嘉芙蓮,

    I want to ask where is the Ponzi Scheme? Regarding fees, so long as they open up to more competition, and the cost is the same as buying stocks/bonds/funds etc, I don't see any problem

  4. what i referring is the central pool of funds. The govt is asking the current youth to pay the pool, but eventually in the future who knows if the pool has enough for them when they grow old. There is no guarantee they will get the amount they need especially with the aging problem.

  5. quoted from forbes:

  6. But I think that is referring to defined benefits(ss)? Where they say they will cover your medical, dental, meds etc.

    But in defined contribution(mpf) nothing is promise. You put $1 in, company put $1 in that is it they don't own you anything, what you are missing falls onto yourself/society/government etc.

    Regarding the point that people do not have enough to guarantee that they would have money when they need in a later time.

    If their investment no matter if its mpf/stocks/bonds/funds if its return beats inflation(or real real inflation not the manipulated numbers) they should put more money and generate compound returns.

    Precious metals is only a store of value, it should not generate a (huge) return. $2 (silver) dollar 50 years ago in USA can buy you a tank of gas. Today the silver content in the coin could also buy you a tank of gas. It is a store of value relative to something else. $2 could buy you a burger+fries+pop 50 years ago, and as well as today.


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