Fave Quotes

Updated on March 21, 2014

"Many gold buyers are emotional about the metal,” Warren Buffet 
" Derivatives are financial weapons of mass destruction." Warren Buffett
"Some bad things might happen. But it’s the greatest opportunity ever presented to anybody!" - Mike Maloney, April 14, 2011
"這世上有三樣東西是別人搶不走的:一是吃進胃裏的食物,二是藏在心中的夢想,三是讀進大腦的書" - 宋鴻兵
"Those who have knowledge, don't predict. Those who predict, don't have knowledge." - Lao Tzu
"The most important thing that drives inflation is the amount of money that the government makes available to the economy" (1999) - Arnold Van Den Berg
"life is short (not anymore), work hard, eat hard, shop hard and play really hard!!" - by ME!!!

“diversification is a protection against ignorance – not required for those who know what they’re doing.” Warren Buffet

"Risk comes from not knowing what you're doing." Warren Buffet

大學教育的價值應體現在培養人的思考上;想像力比知識更重要" 愛恩斯坦

"Why work for the rich & conglomerate while you are not being Hypnotized!!" by ME hahaha


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