Robert Kiyosaki - Secrets of the Rich

This is an old video from Robert Kiyosaki, but it did bring out quite a few fundamental concepts from him including what is the real meaning of Asset vs Liability; Cash Flow; How to get rich by growing your assets and not working hard for somebody...etc

Maybe not everyone agrees the way he makes money out from teaching or preaching his concepts, but needless to say his concepts are really the REALITY and many people still not aware or trying to ignore them.

For me, I am working hard to get out of the Rat race. Get yourself financially intelligent!

Robert Kiyosaki: Secrets of the Rich from Jake Conner on Vimeo.


  1. thx for sharing 嘉芙蓮, it's a pity that I know the truth so late (almost 40 now). Yet, so glad that I manage to understand the truth before I am old.

  2. Anonymous27/5/11 23:46

    kitco 1oz 銀牌 好似好細, 體積比銀幣細好多,大家試計計。kitco又唔收,有點....

  3. Anonymous28/5/11 14:03

    Chapman: It's not late if you want to develop your Financial IQ. The founder of KFC, Harland Sanders started his fried chicken business when he was 60s. Now you see KFC is one of the best businesses in the world! Don't think you're old. Keeping improve your financial IQ, and think like a rich.


  4. Chapman,
    Kawa is rite, never too late. You still have generations to inherit your knowledge and intelligence. We are actually all joining force to expand the core population and fight against the "used to be" reality.

  5. Robert Kiyosaki先生提出"以錢生錢"而非"以力生錢"是富人的發達秘訣,這個是當然的了!他強調必需學習富人以資產之增值來作為主要入息保證......

    "資產"例如是樓房,以現時的高樓價要有能力付出一筆不菲的樓價也非"Poor" 及一般"Mid Class"能力可及了,始終又要以債務形式向銀行造Mortgage(負債行為)..


  6. Thx Kawa n 嘉芙蓮

    yes, never too late. ^_^

  7. silent
    房屋一日未贖回, 只是負債矣. :)

  8. 羅伯特‧t‧清崎老師的觀點,令我得到不少的啟發。我真的很慶幸自己可以在25歲時就認識他,並以他作為老師。

  9. satan
    你真的好好彩, 努力執行吧!你會超越所有同輩的!


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